Repacking and Shipping
The Guideline Geo packing kit is specially designed for shipping MALÅ GX HDR. The packing kit
should be used whenever shipping is necessary. If original packing materials are unavailable,
pack the instrument in a box that is large enough to allow at least 80mm of shock absorbing
material to be placed all around the instrument. This includes top, bottom and all sides.
Never use shredded fibres, paper or wood wool, as these materials tend to pack down
and permit the instrument to move inside its packing box.
Please read our shipping instructions before returning instruments to Guideline Geo. These
instructions can be found on our website at: www.guidelinegeo.com/Support/Service-Repairs.
Registering MALÅ GX HDR
By registering your equipment, you ensure that you receive up-to-date documentation, software
upgrades and product information, which all helps to optimize the utilization of the equipment
and realize the maximum return on your investment.
To register your equipment, simply visit – www.guidelinegeo.com/Support/Product-Registration
on our website and submit the registration form.
Note: Two serial numbers are attached to the equipment, (1) on the underside of the monitor
and (2) on top of the antenna under the battery pack.