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PTIS 1000
General information
2.1 Packing contents
1 Cassette PTIS 1000
2 HF cables
1 CD (assembly instructions)
1 Brief assembly instructions
1 Measuring log
2.2 Meaning of the symbols used
Important note
—> General note
Performing works
2.3 Technical specifications
The devices meet the following EU directives:
2006/95/EC, 2004/108/EC
The product fulfils the guidelines and standards for CE labelling.
Unless otherwise noted all values are specified as "typical".
HF input
Channels: .........................................................
C05 … C12, C21 … C69
Frequency range:
177.5 … 226.5, 474 … 858 MHz
Input level: ...............................................................
60 dBμV … 80 dBμV
Loop through output gain ......................................................
0 dB … 3 dB
Return loss: ..................................................................................> 8 dB
Impedance: .................................................................................... 75
Symbol rate ............................................................... acc. to EN 300744
LAN interface
Standard: ............................................................................. 100-BASE-T
Data rate: ...............................................................................
80 MBit
Protocols: ..........................................................
UDP (User Data Protocol),
RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol)