11.Lower the tank and secure to the foundation before leaving the job site.
12.At the completion of the tank, set stiffeners over the anchor bolts and measure the tank to ensure it
is in a round condition. Consult with GSI for questions on tolerances.
Instructions for Stirring Devices
Bins are offered in more than one structural series for specific uses. To maintain the warranty, the
appropriate “series” grain bin must be used. Consult the sales catalog or contact the Engineering
Department for current recommendations.
Use of any stirring device with three or more vertical screws may require a heavier than “standard”
series bin. Any re-circulating device or system should be used in the “re-circulating” series bins.
For GSI bins larger than 36 ft. diameter an alternate method of mounting is to attach
suspension chain to intermediate center collar.
Stirring devices may create additional loads on the grain bin sidewalls, roofs and
floors. If high-moisture grain is loaded too deep and too fast, unstiffened bin walls
can become overloaded. Observe the following installation and operation
procedures if the bin is to be equipped with a stirring device.
1. Read owner’s manual for the stirring device and follow all instructions set forth by the manufacturer.
Install the switch for the stirring device near the roof manway opening so that the unit
can be observed while stirring.
2. Make sure there are no obstructions, such as protruding ladders.
3. After loading approximately 3 ft. of grain, run the unit one complete revolution to determine if it is
working properly.
4. If the unit is functioning properly, operate the stirring device continuously while filling and drying to
avoid compacted grain around the vertical screws.
5. If it becomes necessary to stop a stirring device using laterally moving screws, try to stop it with the
vertical screws nearest to the center of the bin, away from the sidewall. Should a device stop or stall
for any reason and remain inoperable for any length of time, the auger carriage should be supported
to the grain surface before restarting. The vertical auger should be turned by hand, with a pipe
wrench, before power is applied.
6. For best results, fill the bin to one-half of the final intended depth. Dry grain to 16% and continue
filling. Use filling rates specified by stirring device manufacturer. If necessary to fill to the top without
stopping, reduce the filling rate and drying air temperature so that the stirring rate can keep up with
the drying rate.
7. Do not overfill the bin. Filling should be stopped at the bottom of the top ring or 30 in. below the
The above steps are only general instructions which apply to the majority of stirring devices.
Since there are different manufacturers of these devices, it is important to read the operator’s
manual thoroughly for specific instructions applicable to the machine.
36 Ft. Diameter 40-Series Bins