9.2. Security
When you click on the category <Security>, there will be a drop-down menu with several tabs including <User>,
<HTTPS>, <IP Filter>, and <IEEE 802.1X>.
<User> :
When you click on the <User> tab under the category <Security>, the <User> page will be shown as in the picture
NOTE: The following characters are valid: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, !#$%&’-.@^_~.
Admin Password :
Change the administrator’s password by putting in the new password in both text boxes. The input
characters/numbers will be displayed as dots for security purposes. After clicking <Save>, the web browser will
ask the Administrator for the new password for access. The maximum length of the password is 14 digits.
Add User :
Type in the new user name and password and click <Add> to add the new user. The user name can have up to 16
characters, the password up to 14 characters. The new user will be displayed in the user name list. A maximum
of 20 user accounts can be set. To each user the privileges “Camera control”, “Talk” and “Listen” can be assigned.
- I/O access:
This item supports fundamental functions that enable users to view video when accessing the Video Server.
- Camera control:
This item allows the appointed user to change the Video Server’s parameters on the Video Server Setting page.
- Talk/Listen:
Talk and Listen functions allow the appointed user on the local site (PC site) to communicate, for instance, with
the administrator on the remote site.