Step 4:
Double-click or right-click and select “Browse” to access the Video Server directly via the web browser.
Step 5:
Then the dialogue box for entering the default user name and password (as shown below) will appear for logging
in to the Video Server.
The default login ID and password for the Administrator are:
Login ID: admin
Password: 1234
NOTE: ID and password are case sensitive.
It is strongly advised to alter the administrator’s password due to security concerns. Please refer to section 9.2.
Security for further details.
Additionally, users can change the Video Server’s network property, either to DHCP or to Static IP, directly in the
device finding list. Please refer to the following section for changing the Video Server’s network property.
Example of Changing the Video Server’s Network Property :
Users can directly change a Video Server’s network property, e.g. from static IP to DHCP, in the finding device list.
The prosedure to change the Video Server’s network property is explained below: