OM-TDH(C)-20/24/40/48 (C,A) (CE) INTERNATIONAL
using the procedure in this manual.
f. SET TnnP Mode - Allows power to the controller and gas to the pilot without
the kettle heating; the kettle will heat once the LOW TEMP, MANUAL or
HIGH TEMP button is selected.
g. LOW TEMP Button – Used to set operating temperature of the kettle at a
preset low intensity (default = 2.0). Can be pressed at any time during
operation of the unit to change the set temperature to the preset value
except when there is an active TIMER enabled.
h. MANUAL Mode button – Enables the user modify the desired cooking
temperature of the kettle (between 1.0 and 10.0) using the temperature
knob and display (default = 5.0). The operator will press the MANUAL
button and set the desired temperature using the temperature knob and
display. Once the desired intensity is displayed, the user may either press
the MANUAL button again or wait 5 seconds and the set temperature will
be accepted by the controller and locked in. After the set temperature is
accepted, it may be changed at any time by pressing the MANUAL button
and resetting the temperature using the same process above.
i. HIGH TEMP button – Used to set operating temperature of the kettle at a
preset high intensity (default = 7.0). Can be pressed at any time during
operation of the unit to change the set temperature to the preset value
except when there is an active TIMER enabled.
1. TIMER button - once the appropriate set temperature is selected using
the HIGH TEMP, MANUAL or LOW TEMP buttons; a countdown timer
can be set to remind the user when the cooking process is completed.
Range – 1 minute to 10 hours
2. When the timer expires:
a. the set temperature will automatically change to the LOW TEMP
setting and will continue at this setting until the user changes the
temperature via MANUAL or HIGH TEMP buttons
b. An audible alarm will notify the user that attention is required,
the alarm will continue to sound until the user presses the TIMER
3. An active timer can be cancelled by pressing and holding the TIMER
button for 5 secs.
4. Set temp can be changed during an active timer by pressing the
MANUAL button and adjusting the set temp using the Temperature
knob and display.
5. HIGH TEMP and LOW TEMP presets cannot be used to change the
setpoint once a TIMER has started.
j. READY alarm – The control will sound 3 beeps when the unit has reached
within 20 degrees of set point during pre-heat and when a higher set
temperature is selected.
k. On Crank tilt (TDHC) units, a handwheel controls the worm and gear
mechanism that smoothly tilts the kettle body and holds it in the desired
1. To Start Kettle Heating:
a. EVERY DAY make sure that the jacket water level in the middle of the sight
glass. If the level is too low, see “Jacket Filling and Water Treatment” in
this manual.
b. Check the pressure/vacuum gauge. If the gauge does not show 20 to
30 inches of mercury (Hg) vacuum (that is a reading of 20 to 30 below 0
atmospheric pressure), see “Jacket Vacuum” in this manual.
c. DO NOT attempt to light any burner with a flame.
d. Open the main supply gas valve (handle in line with the pipe).
e. Turn the switch to ON.
f. Set heat using instructions above.
2. To Stop Kettle Heating:
a. Turn the switch OFF.
b. Turn the manual gas valve OFF (handle a right angle to gas line).
c. Disconnect the units electrical power.
3. To Relight Kettle:
a. Close main gas supply valve.
b. Set on-off switch to OFF.
c. Wait five minutes, then proceed as directed under To Start Kettle Heating.
4. If electric power fails, do not attempt to operate the unit. When power is
restored, proceed as directed in To Start Kettle Heating.
5. To Transfer Product or Empty Kettle:
a. Crank Tilt Kettles: The kettle body is tilted using the crank tilt handwheel.
Turning the crank counter-clockwise tilts the kettle body; clockwise
returns it to an upright position. The kettle body will remain in any tilted
b. Hand Tilt Kettles: The kettle is designed to be tilted in a controlled manner.
Grasp the insulated plastic ball firmly. Maintain a firm grip on the handle
when tilting, keeping the kettle body in a tilted position or SLOWLY
returning the kettle body to an upright position.
Lift the rear of the lid first.
1. Lift-Off Cover:
a. As with stock pot cooking, an optional lift off cover will speed up the
heating of water and food products. A cover helps retain heat in the
cooking vessel and reduces the amount of heat and humidity released
into the kitchen. Use of a cover can reduce some product cook times and
help maintain the temperature, color and texture of products being held or
simmered for extended periods.
b. Make sure the plastic ball handle is secure on the lift off cover before
using. ALWAYS use the plastic handle to place or remove cover from the
kettle. Wear protective oven mitts and a protective apron.
c. When putting the cover on the kettle, position it on top of kettle rim, with
its flat edge facing the pouring lip.
d. When removing cover:
1) Firmly grasp plastic handle
2) Lift rear edge (farthest from operator) 1-2” (3-5 cm) to allow any steam
and water vapor to escape the cooking vessel. Wait 2-3 seconds.
3) Tilt cover to 45-60° angle and allow any hot condensate or product to
roll off cover back into kettle.
4) Remove cover, ensuring that any remaining hot condensate or product
does not drip on operator, floor or work surfaces.
5) Place cover on safe, flat, sanitary, out-of-the-way surface, or return to
kettle rim. Cover may also be placed in the optional holder for cover
as shown in the photograph.
2. Basket Insert:
a. An optional kettle basket insert can assist in cooking water-boiled