h7583 tenoning Jig
5. Cut a piece of plywood that is approximately
5" wide by 9" tall and a minimum of
" thick,
then mount it to the jig side support, as shown
figure 22.
The thickness of this backing board
can vary, depending upon any distance you
need to make up between the jig side support
and the saw blade. However, keep in mind
that this backing board provides an additional
safety barrier between the jig and the saw
Make sure you use it!
figure 22. side support plywood mounted.
aLWayS move the workpiece completely
through the blade to reduce the risk of kick-
back. aLWayS turn the saw
, disconnect
it from power, and wait for the blade to come
to a complete stop before removing the
workpiece or moving the jig to avoid making
contact with the spinning blade.
4. Cut a piece of
" plywood approximately
2" wide by 9" tall, then mount it on the back
support using either wood screws through
the back of the support or recessed cap
screws and hex nuts through the front (see
figure 21).
— if your operation requires the back support
to be at an angle, make sure the bottom
of this backing board is cut at an angle so
that it is parallel with the saw table. you will
also need to make accommodations when
making the side support backing board in
the next step.
The back support backing board will
prevent tear out when making the tenon
figure 21. Back support backing board
Back support
Backing Board
side support