Model G0495X (Mfd. Since 07/19)
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Figure 28. Half-mask respirator with disposable
cartridge filters.
H2499—Small Half-Mask Respirator
H3631—Medium Half-Mask Respirator
H3632—Large Half-Mask Respirator
H3635—Cartridge Filter Pair P100
Wood dust has been linked to nasal cancer and
severe respiratory illnesses. If you work around-
dust everyday, a half-mask respirator can be a
lifesaver. Also compatible with safety glasses!
G0862—3 HP Portable Cyclone Dust Collector
The capstone of our new line of affordable, high-
quality cyclones, the G0862 features a 3 HP
motor, a whopping 1941 CFM of airflow capacity,
and a 55-gallon collection capacity. It's packed
with features like a quick-release collection drum,
latching system, high-efficiency, two-stage sepa-
ration driven by a 15" welded steel impeller, dura-
ble powder coated finish, and a heavy-duty steel
frame and housing.
Figure 30. Model G0862 3 HP Portable Cyclone
Dust Collector.
Recommended Metal Protectants
1 Qt. Gel
12 Oz. Spray
T-9 4 Oz. Spray
T-9 12 Oz. Spray
Gun Treatment 12 Oz. Spray
Gun Treatment 4.5 Oz. Spray
Figure 29. Recommended products for protect-
ing unpainted cast iron/steel part on machinery.
T23246—The Missing Shop Manual: Jointer
Dedicated to providing integral information about
woodworking tools and techniques that other
manuals overlook, the books in this series contain
safety facts, explanations about basic project set-
up, and tips for maximizing tool performance.
Figure 31. Instructional reference book.