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at the end of the heating season. Completing these requirements will ensure long
exploitation duration of the burner and its high efficiency and reliability;
In case there is signal to stop the operation of the burner, the fuel delivery stops, but
its air fan continues to run. That’s why at stop signal the burner continues to operate
and the combustion process will continue to release heat energy, which makes the
system quite inert. This particular feature should be concerned, especially when a
local heating system is equipped with radiators with thermostatic control valves (or
any other control elements), which stop the flow of the circulating fluid and thus the
released in the combustion process heat energy could not be transferred (dissipated)
and thus the hot water boiler could be overheated. That’s why in case the pellet
burner of series “GP” operates in a local heating system, which have heating
elements with thermostatic valves, these valves should not should be cutting the
heating fluid flow rate, but should allow a minimal flow rate in order to allow heat
dissipation in any way. It is recommended to install a heat accumulating tank parallel
to the circuits of the heating system in order to achieve a buffer effect and to decrease
any variations of the consumption of heat energy by the heating system;
Turning OFF the automatic pellet burner of series “GP IV” by external for the
burner control module
The pellet burner is turned off by changing the “START” signal status into OFF, supplied
by the control module. During the working process in OFF state, the control module of the
burner performs so called “controlled turning off procedure” in which the air fan is working
(and the burner is cooled down) and operating parameters are simultaneously monitored, in
case of emergency appropriate actions will be taken. After the burner has been cooled down
(to ambient temperature), it should be switched off by turning off the main power supply of
the heat consumer unit. It is recommended to clean the deposited ash thoroughly both of the
burner as well as heat energy consumer surfaces.
Emergency burner stop
In operating process of the burner emergency situations could arise and the unit will go
into alarm/failure mode. Such situations are detected by the process control board and it will
go into automatic protective mode in order to be protected as well as the heat consumer unit.
These modes are operated by appropriate preventive measures, automatically taken by the
control board of the main module and the alarm mode is indicated by appropriate message,
shown on the control module’s display. Detailed description of the error codes could be found
in Table 5.3. Please check the error messages and refer this manual before taking any actions.
After the cause of the alarm situation is clarified, take adequate actions for bringing back the
burner into normal operating conditions and restart it by switching off the power supply OFF
the main module and back into ON. Prior to powering ON the burner, clean the ash and char
residue in order to allow reliable ignition and operation of the burner.
in case of emergency situation – heat consumer overheating, the emergency thermostat
(which is not part of the burner’s equipment and is
– it should be installed
on the control module of the unit) is activated. In this case the system (burner-heat
consumer) should be cooled down and the reason for such emergency situation should
be investigated and preventive measures should be performed. The emergency
thermostat should be manually reset by unscrewing its preventive cap and its stem
should be pressed until the thermostat switches back on (a “click” sound is heard in
this process), then screw back its cap. After the system (burner-heat consumer) boiler is
checked and the cause for overheating is determined and repaired, restart the burner