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Copyright © 2020 Green-GO
MCXD user guiDe
Default: Off Range: Off, Channel 1, Channel 2…….Channel 32
Cue Mode: //Set the response on Cue signals
Default: Normal
Ignore//Do nothing
Auto Answer//Automatically sends a ‘cue received’ confirmation to the sender
Normal//Requires the user to send a confirmation or reply
Output Cue Time: //Set the length of time for the GO cue to be transmitted.
Default: 5s Range: Off, 0,5s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s, 8s, 12s, 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 45s, 60s
– Line In/Out:
Exit //GO back
Line In: //Assign Line In to a group and adjust the settings of Line In Exit – Go Back
Group: //Assign Line In to a group
Range: None, ‘named groups’, Group 1-10, Program 1 – 5, Announce 1 - 5
AutoGain: //Set the dynamic amplification to avoid distortion
Default: Off Range: off, Fast, Medium, Slow.
In the setting ‘Off’ the following MaxG (MaxGain) option is replaced with Gain - a set fixed
MaxG 50dB / Gain 50dB //Set the amplification or maximum amplification of the input signal/micro-
phone signal
Range:-12dB - -1dB,0, 1-28dB
Threshold: //Set the level required for the input signal/microphone audio to be transmitted.
Range:Off, -45dB - -20dB
If set to ‘off’ the input signal/microphone audio will always be transmitted if Talk is active. If set
too high the input signal/microphone audio can become sporadic.
Hold: //Set for how long the gate should stay open after activity goes below set threshold
Range: Fast, Medium, Long, XLong
Normal bandwidth/Enhanced bandwidth
Line Out: -
Exit // Go Back
Group: // Select the Group to be transmitted on Line Out
Output: 0dB //Set the volume for Line Out
Range: Mute, - 42dB, -39 dB, -36 dB, -33 dB, -30 dB, -27dB, -24dB – 06dB
LoopBack: //Sends the audio received on Line In to Line Out
Default: Off Range: Off, -39 dB, -36 dB, -33 dB, -30 dB – 0dB
Main Mix Output: //Main Mix is the audio that can be heard in the speaker or headphones of the unit. By
setting a volume other than MUTE, you can choose to add the Main Mix to the Line Out.
Default: Mute
Range: Mute, -48 dB, -45 dB, - 42 dB, -39 dB, -36 dB, -33 dB, -30 dB – 0 dB
– GP Input/Output
Exit //Go Back
In 1: //Settings for GP input 1
Exit //Go Back
Func: //Select what function the Input 1 switch should trigger Talk, Call, Cue,
Option: //Select the action to the given function.
Func = Talk : Answer, Channel 1 – 32
Func = Cue: Acknowledge, Send Att Chn 1 – 32, Send Hold Chn 1 – 32, Send Go Chn 1- 32, If Cue is
triggered what should the action be:
Acknowledge // Send Acknowledged to a received cue
Send Att Chn 1-32 // Send an Attention cue to the selected channel