This window allows you to change Airflow Meters, Injectors, set the
Throttle, and select which map to use.
Choose this box when an
optional GReddy pressure
sensor will be used for the
scale of each Map tables.
• This function is used when
the system exceeds the Air
Flow Meter’s capacity. The
factory ECU will continue to
read off the Air Flow Meter,
but the e-Manage system
will work off the GReddy
pressure sensor.
• When the Airflow meter or MAP sensor is upgraded, check the
Sensor Type from the "Vehicle Specific ECU wire location chart", and
select it from the pull down menu.
• The Airflow Type programmed with the Main unit’s rotary switch
will display as "Main Unit Setting" in the pull down menu.
• When the airflow meter is upgraded, the airflow signal value will
change. Make sure to check Air/Fuel Ratio with a proper
equipment to ensure proper fuel mixture.
3. Injector Change
• When upgrading the injectors, this feature calculates the difference
of the two sizes and trims the whole fuel map (factory map) for
proper idling and drivability.
• Input the factory injector size and the upgrade injector size.
• This system can control up to 150% larger injectors than the
factory. Too large of an injectors can cause problems performing
• When the injectors are upgraded, the injector signal value is being
altered. Make sure to check the Air/Fuel Ratio with a proper
equipment to ensure proper fuel mixture.
e-01英語版 03.3.19 20:29 ページ 44