PL5500 Planter
Great Plains | 411-633M | 2021/10/21
a. The pump, strainer, and manifold system
require special attention before storage. See
b. Clean the tanks and application hoses. Be
sure to follow the chemical manufacturer’s
instructions when handling chemicals.
c. Thoroughly clean the pump following the
instructions in the pump manual.
d. Remove any dirt and debris that can hold
moisture and cause corrosion.
8. Clean the planter of mud, dirt, excess oil, and
9. Lubricate all points listed in “
beginning on page 64.
10. Apply grease to exposed cylinder rods to prevent
11. Inspect the planter for worn or damaged parts.
Make repairs and service during the off season.
12. Use spray paint to cover scratches, chips, and
worn areas on the planter to protect the metal.
13. Cover the planter with a tarp if stored outside.