PL5500 Planter
Safety Information
Great Plains | 411-633M | 10/21/2021
Machine Use
Operate Responsibly
Maintain attention on operation at all times to avoid
injury to yourself or others.
Do not operate machine while distracted by a smart
phone, tablet, or similar electronic device, or while
impaired by alcohol, medication, any controlled
substance, or while fatigued.
Do not ever allow passengers to ride on any part of
the machine at any time, for any reason.
Handle Hydraulics with Care
Keep clear of machine while hydraulics are in use.
Any failure in the hydraulic system can cause machine
parts to move or fall rapidly with a great deal of force.
Anyone struck, caught between, or crushed beneath
these parts can suffer serious injury or even death.
A raised planter without cylinder locks installed or
without active hydraulic pressure will slowly lower over
time. Use tractor hydraulics to raise planter only for
brief periods, such as field turns and cylinder lock
Relieve hydraulic pressure and wait for all parts to
come to a complete stop before disconnecting any
hydraulic lines or performing any work on the
hydraulic system.
Do not have skin exposed when searching for leaks in
hydraulic lines. Use a piece of cardboard or wood to
locate leaks. If injured by escaping hydraulic fluid, seek
immediate medical attention.
Wear protective gloves and eye protection when
working on the machine’s hydraulic system.
Avoid Potential Collision Damage
Watch your surroundings at all times. Do not operate
with nearby bystanders or while anyone makes
adjustments or fills the machine.
Avoid contacting overhead obstructions such as low
bridges, overpasses, and power lines.
Do not operate near ditches, holes, steep slopes,
embankments, or other surfaces which may collapse
under the machine’s weight or tip the machine over.
Chemicals and Waste
Agricultural chemicals can be dangerous. Improper use
can seriously injure persons, animals, plants, soil and
Read chemical manufacturer’s instructions carefully,
and then take appropriate precautions before use. In
the absence of manufacturer instructions, chemical
labels will inform you of any potential hazards and
their severity.
Wear protective clothing and as well as any other
personal protective equipment.
Wash hands and face before eating after working
with chemicals. Shower as soon as application is
completed for the day.
Apply only with acceptable wind conditions.
Make sure wind drift of chemicals will not affect
any surrounding land, people or animals.
Dispose of unused chemicals and chemical waste as
specified by the manufacturer. Observe all the local
ordinances and regulations in your area.
Dispose of Waste Properly
Dispose of waste properly to avoid threatening the
environment and ecology. Potential harmful waste
includes oil, fuel, filters, and batteries.
Use a leak-proof container for draining fluids. Do not
use a food or beverage container that may be
mistaken for a consumable product.
Do not drain or pour waste onto the ground, down a
drain, or into any water source.
Contact your local environmental or recycling center
for the proper way to recycle or dispose of waste.