Operating Instructions
: Pass Planning
If field requirements permit, you can minimize exposure
to NH
vapor with the following recommendations:
Check the wind direction.
Plan passes to be cross-wind and turns up-wind.
Plan first pass on down-wind side of field.
Choose your first pass to allow you to be up-wind
while operating valves at the nurse tank and
applicator. Opening the emergency shut-off
typically requires climbing on the
applicator from the right. Starting with the wind from
the right is optimal.
Anhydrous Ammonia Exposure Hazard:
If field requirements result in any down-wind operations:
Use only a tractor with an enclosed cab.
Have an escape route (up-wind turn) available for all
down-wind operations.
Conduct end-of-pass operations to minimize
above-ground releases.
Be mindful of the risks of olfactory fatigue. You can
“get used to” the odor and fail to notice when
concentrations get dangerously high.
: Start of Pass Planning
Ideally, you want NH
to begin flowing out of the tines
right at the start of a pass, with the tines already in the
ground. This minimizes atmospheric releases.
Depending on wind direction, tractor capability, available
headlands, and field conditions, there are several ways
to start each pass.
Capable Tractor:
Lower applicator into ground at start of pass. Pull
forward to set them to operating depth. Start meter
flow. Do not start moving until flow divider pressure
gauge nears typical operating value.
Headlands Available, Any Tractor:
Lower applicator to ground some distance ahead of
the application area. Move forward slowly. As tines
enter ground, start meter flow.
No Headlands, Marginal Tractor:
Lower applicator to ground at start of pass. Start
forward movement, then meter flow. Move slowly
until console rate display nears target rate.
Figure 44
Ideal Pass Planning
The procedures at left are not operating instructions
or checklists. They are outlines for planning pass
starts. See the step details starting on page 77 and
the checklists on page 80.