Preparation and Setup
Meter / Variable Rate Setup (Option)
This topic presumes that the Nutri-Pro
applicator has
one or more Raven SCS 450 consoles, speed radar, flow
meter, pressure sensor, section control valves, and, for
anhydrous models, single or dual Raven AccuFlow™
metering system. It also presumes that the console has
been installed in the tractor cab per “
If the Nutri-Pro
applicator has dealer- or user-provisioned
c o n t ro l l e r o r m e t e r i n g , c a re f u l l y f o l l o w s u p p l i e r
documentation for installation, setup, use and maintenance.
This Nutri-Pro
manual (417-459M) cannot describe your
system. Great Plains cannot assume any liability for results
with equipment not supplied by Great Plains.
Before first field use of the SCS 450, it must be
programmed with data specifying the system
configuration, consisting of various “CAL” numbers and
user elected “RATE” numbers. See the Raven SCS 450
manual for display interpretation, and see the manual or
the Calibration Card for the keystroke sequence for
setting each of these values.
This data is retained as long as the SCS 450 remains
connected to battery power. If power is removed for
electrical work, long term tractor parking or welding, the
data is lost and must be re-entered.
Anhydrous models without section control have one
“boom section” (BOOM 1, whether single- or
dual-cooler). The BOOM CAL number is simply the
applicator swath on single-section applicators. See the
table on page 44.
Hydraulic pump models and anhydrous models with
section control have three boom sections. See the table
on page 44.
A speed sensor connection to the Raven SCS 450 is
required. Perform a calibration per the manuals for the
sensor and the SCS 450.
A speed sensor input allows the SCS 450 to determine
and control application rates at arbitrary field speeds.
The Great Plains Raven AccuFlow™ and SCS 450
bundles do not include a speed sensor, nor the cable
necessary to connect a Raven-compatible sensor or
radar to the SCS 450 See page 148 for an available
radar kit. See page 166 for harness cables available
from Great Plains or Raven.
Two-product applicators using two SCS 450 consoles
usually require an additional Y-cable.
Figure 17
Raven Flow Control and SCS 450