gauges on each side of the valve between the va/ve guide
surface and the valve as close to the outside edge of the
valve as possible. This is shown as position C in figure
lf the clearance exceeds (0.0025 inch) 0.0635 mm on each
side, the valve guide has to be adjusted.
a) Rernove the valve guide by unscrewing the tour cap
screws (5).
b) Cle
n the face of \he valve guide where it mounts on
the stator.
c) Rotate the rotor such that both the male (not shown)
and the female lobes (shown) are near the outer
edges of the capacity control valve.
d) lnsert equal shim lhicknesses (eg fee Ier gauges)
through the discharge port between the valve and the
outslde diameter of each of the rotors, to rotate the ca
pacity control valve to the correct angular position
relative to the rotors.
e) Place locttte 515 on the valve guide surface that will
be mounted on the stater.
f) Mount the valve gulde (4 ).
g) Place loctite 242 on the
threads of the cap screws (S).
h) !nstafl and sug up the cap screws (5) by hand.
i) lnsert feeler gauges of (0.002 inch) 0.0508 mm between
the stator and each side (near the top) of the valve to
center the valve in the stator.
This is shown as position 8.
j) lnsert feeler gauges of {0.001 inch} 0,0254 mm between
each gujde shoe (2) and the surtace of the valve . This is
sh'OWn as position C.
k) Press down evenly with one hand on top of each
guide shoe (2) to make sure that the guide shoes are
seated in full contact with the (0.001 inch) 0.0254 mm
feeler gauges and (in turn) the valve surface.
1) Tighten the cap screws {5) gradually and evenly. This
will minimize any shlfting of the valve guides as the
screws are tightened.
the valve guide in place, remove art the shims
and all the feeler gauges
positions A, Band C.
n) Move the capacity control valve by hand to ensure it
moves treely. Make sure that the circular portion of
the valve does not hit the guide.
o) lnstall the outlet cover, shaft seal, pipïng and coupling
and start the compressor as in paragraph 7.10 (C)
jtem v) through y).
Page 7.10
Compressor Package GSLP