5. Locate and open the following file:
For K2 Summit Production Client or K2 Solo Media Server —
If a message appears informing you that you must restart, click
to restart. If an external
USB drive is currently connected, disconnect it before startup processes begin. Then repeat
previous steps as necessary to run the install program again before continuing with the next
step in this procedure.
If no message appears, the install wizard opens. Continue with the next step in this procedure.
6. Follow the install wizard onscreen instructions, and work through each page.
7. When you arrive at the Specify Target Type page, select the option as follows:
For installing on an internal storage K2 system or on a
direct-connect storage K2 system.
K2 with local storage
23 November 2010
K2 Version 7.3.8 Release Notes & Upgrade Instructions
Upgrading K2 systems