Enter a series of DTMF digits in the Value field to be dialed during
the call. "Enable MPK Sending DTMF" has to be set to "Yes" first.
Voice Mail
Select Account and enter the Voice Mail access number in the Value
Call Return
The last answered calls can be dialed out by using Call Return. The
Value field should be left blank. Also, this option is not binding to the
account and the call will be returned based on the account with the
last answered call.
Select Account, and enter the number in the Value field to be
transferred (blind transfer) during the call.
Call Park
Select Account, and enter the call park extension in the Value field to
park/pick up the call.
Select Account, and enter the extension number in the Value field to
do the intercom.
LDAP Search
This option is to narrow the LDAP search scope. Enter the LDAP
search base in the Name field. It could be the same or different from
the Base in LDAP configuration under Advanced Settings. The Base
in LDAP configuration will be used if the Name field is left blank.
Enter the LDAP Name/Number filter in the Value field. LDAP search
does not support entering Non-ASCII characters
Multi Purpose Keys X
Assigns a function to the corresponding Multi Purpose Key. The key
mode options are:
Speed Dial
Select the Account to dial from. And enter the Speed Dial number in
the Value field to be dialed.
BLF (Busy Lamp Field)
This option has to be supported on the PBX and it indicates the
status of the extension. The three possible states are idle (green),
busy (red), ringing (blinking red).
Presence Watcher
This option has to be supported by a presence server and it is tied to
the "Do Not Disturb" status of the phone's extension.
Eventlist BLF