Note: This counter does NOT indicate how long the WAN connection has been up.
Software Version:
This reflects the version of application software loaded on the unit.
Phone Module Version:
This is the version of the cellular module installed in the device.
This may be required by tech support but is not required for any user applications.
Serial Number:
This is assigned at the factory. This may be required by tech support but is
not required for any user applications.
Default Route:
Network route used by the Logic-5000 cellular radio modem when no other
known route exists for a given IP packet's destination address.
The default route points to the Cellular interface when WAN is up. The only exception to this
rule is if the WiFi interface is configured in wireless client mode and is connected to a WiFi
access point (WiFi Status=Up). In that case, the default route will point to the WiFi
Note: When the connection to the WiFi access point is down the default route is set back to
the Cellular interface.
Ethernet (LAN)
IP Address:
IP Lists the LAN IP address of the Logic-5000 unit. This IP becomes the
gateway and DNS server for all PCs and devices connected on the LAN. This value is
configured on the LAN Settings Page.
Subnet Mask:
The Subnet mask is used in conjunction with the network address to
partition the IP address into the network (subnet) portion and the host portion. In most
cases, this value will be automatically set by the software based on the class of IP address
used for the Ethernet IP. This value can be modified on the LAN Settings page.
MAC Address:
Media Access Control Address, this is configured at the factory and cannot
be changed by the user.
Indicates if the WiFi interface is “UP” or “DOWN”
IP Address:
IP address assigned to the WiFi interface of this device. When the WiFi
interface is set to operate in WiFi Client mode, the WiFi Access Point must have a DHCP
server running to assign an IP address to its WiFi clients.
Subnet Mask:
Subnet Mask assigned to the WiFi interface of this device.
MAC Address:
Media Access Control Address of the WiFi interface.
Cellular (WAN)
indicates if the device has an established connection to the WAN. Status is UP or
IP Address:
WAN IP address of the Logic-5000 unit. Remote access for the device requires
entering this address into a browser. The PPP IP Address is assigned by the cellular carrier
and will be dynamic unless a static address is specifically requested
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