Software / Parameter Settings
English, Revision 06, Date: 12.07.2011
4.12 (M)aintenance
Figure 24
Screenshot: Maintenance Menu
Via the maintenance menu the following function can be selected:
Print (C)SV Values
The submenu was created to enable printing the most important values online. The
values for
Maximum of the Covariance function
Location (in
of this maximum,
location of a possible 2. Maximum
and the output
Deviation in Millimeters
are printed. If two maxima are available, the one used
for guidance is always set at first position. The values are separated by comma and
e. g. may be recorded using Hyperterm and then stored into a file for analysis.
Figure 25
Screenshot: CSV output within menu Print (C)SV Values
(W)rite User Parameters to Screen
This submenu is used for recording parameter settings. The following message ap-
Activate File recording, press any key to continue
Peak 10612 @ 287 X/mm: 4 S: 4030 Code: 255 SCmin: 0 %
(C)SV Values
(W)rite User Parameters to Screen
(I)mport User Parameters from Host to Antenna
(E)xport User Parameters from Antenna to Host
[F]irmware Update
[D]efault Values to EEProm
Software Version 73840A32.01 / 04.MAR.2011 Serial Number: 9999999
4330,17300, 370, 134, 20
4330,17273, 370, 134, 20
4330,17273, 370, 134, 20
4330,17282, 371, 134, 21
4330,17282, 371, 134, 21
4330,17251, 370, 134, 20
4330,17281, 370, 134, 20
4330,17281, 370, 134, 20
4330,17280, 371, 134, 21
4330,17280, 371, 134, 21
4330,17301, 371, 134, 21
4330,17301, 371, 134, 21