Software / Parameter Settings
English, Revision 06, Date: 12.07.2011
(I)mage Settings
In the second line, the set of parameters for which the menu was activated is dis-
Figure 10
Screenshot: Menu Image Settings
enables defining the line within the picture in which the evaluation is to be
started. The defined line is marked on the video control monitor by a cursor. The
line should be defined to be within the area of the visible picture, while possible
reflections from the camera lighting should be outside this line.
enables selecting the track variant: white track on dark ground or black track
on light ground.
enables setting the width of the track in millimeters. It should not be more than
1/3 of the width of the display on the monitor.
The installed height of the camera in millimeters is entered via
enables setting the detection threshold for the track recognition. The maximum
of the covariance function (refer to
of the status line in Figure 9 on page 22)
must exceed this threshold in order to enable track recognition. If the track widths
are significantly larger or smaller than the set track width parameter, or the track
contrast is very poor, the maximum of the covariance function will fall below the
threshold value.
enables setting a Warning threshold. If the maximum of the covariance function
falls below this threshold value, output
is activated.
a function for the Luminance of the picture points can be
changed similar to the Luminance- /contrast settings of a television. With the value
amma this function can also be adjusted non-linear.
Peak 13583 @ 528 X/mm: 11 S: 4080
Parameterset: 1 (CAM 1, IN_4 = 0)
(S)tartline [30.255]: 80
(I)nverse Track Black on White
(W)idth of track [mm]: 24
(H)eight of Camera [mm]: 100
(P)eak threshold [>1000]: 6000
Warning (T)hreshold 7000
L(u)minance [0..100%]: 50
C(o)ntrast [0..100%]: 50
(G)amma [pos]: 1.00
(1)X-Threshold for Output 1,2 [1..500] 15
(2)X-Threshold for Output 3,4 [1..500] 15
Calib-(f)actor [(H*pix)/W]: 490
(A)djust width of reference track (current 117 pix)
(C)heck Width of Track 0