Software / Parameter Settings
English, Revision 06, Date: 12.07.2011
enable setting the values of the 2 possible monitoring thresholds in mil-
limeters. For example, if the track deviation exceeds the value +10 mm or falls
below -10 mm, the corresponding status bit is set and the digital output switched
to + 24 V (refer to Table 2 on page 14 and Table 7 on page 22).
enables setting a known camera calibration factor. In case this calibration fac-
tor is not known, it is necessary to determine its value by following the below
described procedure:
In order to enable the conversion of camera pixels into track width in millimeters, it
is necessary to determine the relation between track width in pixels, track width in
millimeters and installation height of a given camera. This can be achieved by
and the corresponding sub menu
(A)djust width of track
with image cursor
(also refer to description below). Optical Line Tracker
HG 73840ZA is factory set for camera HG 73841ZA.
returns to the main menu.
The sub menu
(A)djust width of track with image cursor
is structured as
Figure 11
Screenshot: Determination of the calibration factor in submenu (A)djust
width of track with image cursor
This menu enables calibrating the Optical Line Tracker for a certain camera:
Position the camera above the guidance track. The track width in millimeters and the
installation height of the camera in millimeters are to be input correctly via
Then set the start of the track width now displayed on the screen onto the left hand
side of the track using
. Afterwards use
to set the width of the marked area and
make sure the marked area covers the track exactly. The calibration factor is then dis-
played. The quit the submenu by pressing
The set parameters now have to be permanently saved within the main menu by press-
. The calibration value determined for a certain type of camera can be directly
transferred to other Optical Line Trackers if the same type of camera is used.
Peak 0 @ 0 X/mm: 0 S: 0032
(S)et Start of Cursor [0.. 500 pixel]: 166
(W)idth of Cursor [0.. 166 pixel]: 145
(H)eight of Camera [10..1000 mm]: 100
(G)auge of Reference Track [0..500 mm]: 24
Calib-factor [(H*pix)/S] = 604