Golden Mask 5+ User Guide
www.goldenmaskdetectors.com - Golden Mask Official Distributor
Golden Mask 5+ User Guide
www.goldenmaskdetectors.com - Golden Mask Official Distributor
Now start to pump the coil exactly like you do it with Auto ground balance. If the machine
is not balanced, you will hear a sound while the coil is going up or down. The goal is to
change the numbers on the screen (by pressing the - and the + buttons) until the sound
disappears or is slightly audible but equal with the movement of the coil in both direc-
tions. If the sound is present while the coil goes up, you should increase the numbers and
vice versa. When the sound from the coil movement disappears, the detector is ground-
balanced. Press the ENTER button to confirm and you are ready to go.
To make it easier, especially on places you’ve never being before, it is a good idea to start
with Auto ground balance, then switch to Manual and tune-up the ground balance.
Every time after switching frequencies or changing the Power-
Box level, a new ground balance must be set!
You can judge the mineralization level of the ground you are on by looking the number at
which your Golden mask 5+ is ground-balanced. See the table bellow:
Ground balance numbers and mineralization level
8 kHz
0-35 : high mineralization
35-100 : normal mineralization
100+ : conductive ground
18 kHz
0-40 : high mineralization
40-100 : normal mineralization
100+ : conductive ground
Setting the Gain
The Gain setting is the Golden Mask 5+ overall sensitivity. The possible options are 0, 1
and 2. The higher the number, the greater the overall signal amplification. But be aware:
on mineralization higher number of the Gain does not always mean deeper penetration
of the signal. On such ground a higher Gain setting could lead to impossibility to ground-
balance the machine, reduced depth and worse discrimination. With Gain at zero, the de-
tector still has a good depth, so don’t be afraid to lower the value - on mineralized ground
this could be the right decision. Lower Gain value also lead to a faster recovery speed.
To set the Gain, press the PWR button at the top-right of the control panel. A new screen
with numbers will appear. Select the desired value number by navigating left or right with
the - and the + buttons and press ENTER to confirm your choice.
Setting the Threshold
The Threshold controls how the detector handles the response from targets. In other
words, with the Threshold you could reject or cut-out some weak signals and hear only
the strongest ones. This is useful in very polluted areas, where you could reject some of
the weakest signals and this way lower the chattering sounds. Of course, this means lower
sensitivity to small targets and reduced depth.
You could set the Threshold to values from 0 to 30, the default value is 25. A lower value
cuts more signals, while a value of 30 cuts nothing and you hear even the weakest signals.
A setting above 25-26 is not recommended, because the detector becomes very sensitive
to EMIs and you will receive ghost signals, caused by the different soil conditions.
To set the Threshold, press the PWR button, select the THR option with the - and + buttons
and confirm with ENTER. Then select the desired value and confirm it with ENTER.