B l u e C o n n e c t – C o n f i g u r i n g O l d e r B u s M o d u l e s
GO Systemelektronik GmbH Faluner Weg 1 24109 Kiel Germany Tel.: +49 431 58080-0
Fax: -58080-11
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4.11 Configuring Older Bus Modules
Older BlueConnect Bus Modules do not have slide switches on the board. Here, the termination is done via
the Parameter Window.
RS485 Termination
Selection Modbus (RS485) termination selection on/off
CAN Termination
Selection CAN bus termination on/off
Writes the selected termination into the module memory.
Settings that have not yet been saved are marked in red.
Only applies to older BlueConnect Bus Modules, the newer ones are terminated with slide
switches on the board, see
3.2 Cable Connections, Switch Positions and LEDs
there also
Notes on termination of older BlueConnect Modules
Newer modules with slide switches ignore the setting.
With older BlueConnect Bus Modules, connected Modbus sensors are not automatically detected. The
appropriate sensor identifier must be selected via the drop-down menu.
Writes the selected sensor identifier into the module memory.
Settings that have not yet been saved are marked in red.
COM 1 selected
Serial Communication
BlueConnect Modbus-CAN
RS485 Termination on o ff
CAN Termination on o ff
Turbidity GO flow through
BlueTrace Oil in Water
Optical O2
BlueTrace Turbidity
Modbus Tool 1.00