B l u e C o n n e c t – C o n f i g u r i n g t h e M o d u l e s
GO Systemelektronik GmbH Faluner Weg 1 24109 Kiel Germany Tel.: +49 431 58080-0
Fax: -58080-11
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4.2 Title Bar and Menu Bar
Title bar
Menu bar
minimises the window –
closes the program –
selects the program language
4.3 The Start Window (Modbus Connection)
The Modbus connection window opens. Click on button <Start>
The Select Port window
opens with a selection option for the CON Ports existing on your computer. Here
you must select the correct COM Port for communication with the converter.
The program detects the connected BlueConnect Module.
<Change COM Port> you can change the COM Port.
The default Modbus Slave ID of a BlueConnect Sensor Module is 1 and
does not need to be changed.
In special cases contact GO Systemelektronik.
Modbus Tool V1.07
COM 1 selected
Serial Communication
Reset ID to 1
Change COM Port
Change ID
Search for Sensor/Module
Modbus Slave ID
File Language
Modbus Tool V1.07
The COM Port of the converter is displayed in the Windows Device Manager:
USB Serial Port (COM