The indicator will turn from red to green if the network port communicates
successfully; otherwise you should check whether the Network port connect correctly
or check whether the IP address of the controller and the control software are in same
LAN network.
If one computer controls more than one controllers, it is recommended to use a
router to connect all the controllers in the same LAN network, then define different IP
address for different controller.
3.3 Parameters Introduction of Control Software
Controller Port:
Select a port of VSP-F2L4 controller that connected the LED screen.
All means all ports. Port A, B, C, D respectively represent signal output ports OUT1,
OUT2, OUT3, OUT4 of the VSP-F2L4 controller.
Signal Interface:
Select the way of the signal input source, DVI, SDI or HDMI.
Click “Text” can check and text the color of LED screen.
Display the input signal resolution and output signal resolution.
Switch port:
The display content of port A, B, C, D can switch to each other by
setting. To take effect the switch function, you must operate it under the condition of
the “controller port “is All or A in the control software.
X/Y Start:
The start display position in the horizontal/ vertical direction is off from
the initial point where is defined the upper-left (coordinates (0, 0).
Change the values of X and Y will change the display position of LED screen.
Size (Very important):
The horizontal/ vertical output pixels resolution for each port
of the VSP-F2L4 controller. W/H represents the width/height of output resolution for
each port of controller, not always a whole screen.