The head can be moved in concentric circles holding the head surface parallel to the
skin surface to reduce the refraction phenomena to the minimum. Common tap water
has the problem that gas bubbles dissociate themselves from the water, they accumulate
on the patient skin and on the treatment head reflect the ultrasound wave. If it is not
possible to avoid the use of common water, it is necessary to frequently remove the gas
bubbles from the surface and to clean up the area of emission of the head at the end of
the treatment.
In treatment with gas water, the attenuation of the ultrasound power is more elevated
than in the direct contact treatment, for this reason more elevated dosage are required.
Instead, when you use no gas water the dosage has to be the same used in the direct
contact treatment.
Recommended intensity
The device starts with a preset intensity of 0.1 Watt/cm2 (0.5 Watt) and can reach a
maximum intensity according to each protocol. The intensity shown in this manual is the
one we suggest for this product and reflect the one that is mainly used in the known
protocols. The physiotherapist is free to use the maximum recommended intensity or to
modify it according to his needs and to the type of treatments and patients.