indicates normal operation
indicates that the specific sounder will operate immediately
Sounders set to immediate will also override any Sounder Group settings for that specific sounder. Sounders set to
immediate operation will sound continuously (pulsing settings will be overridden).
5 Input/Output - Disable & Assign
Input/Output Analogue Loop device management.
5-1 Configure I/O Groups
Allows an I/O Group to be established. The I/O Group can then be used for fire or fault reporting. 512 I/O Groups can be
First select the Group number then assign the I/O loop addresses.
Each I/O Group can have up to 32 I/O units. (256 for the Common I/O Group)(Group 512).
I/O Group 512 is the Common I/O group. The Common I/O Group is always activated when a fire occurs.
When a fire occurs all the I/O information for the detector in fire is combined: the device I/O Group is combined with the
Common I/O Group and the four ‘first fire’ Zone I/O Groups.
When a subsequent fire occurs in the same Zone the ‘second fire’ Zone I/O group is activated.
Upon a fire the I/O operations are cumulative.
Specific devices can be set not to activate I/O (including Common I/O) - function 5-4 Inhibit I/O for Device.
5-2 Select Fault I/O Group
Allows a specified I/O group to be activated if a fault condition occurs.
It is not recommended to use the same I/O group for fire and fault reporting.
5-3 Assign I/O Group to Device
Allows an I/O Group to be assigned to a detector. When the detector goes into alarm then the assigned I/O Group will be
When a fire occurs all the I/O information for the detector in fire is combined: the device I/O Group is combined
with the Common I/O Group and the four ‘first fire’ Zone I/O Groups.
This function can be used to assign an I/O module (input) to activate an I/O Group output. The I/O Group output could be
on the same I/O module, another I/O module or a group of I/O modules.
5-4 Inhibit I/O for Device
Allows a device to be set so that it does not operate certain I/O Groups.
The options are:
The Common I/O Group (512) is not activated when the device detects fire
The Zone I/O Group for the device is not activated when the device detects fire
No I/O Groups are activated when the device detects fire
COMMON or ZONAL inhibits will not inhibit the I/O Group directly assigned to a device (function 5-3 Assign I/O Group to
Device) if that device detects fire.
5-5 I/O Unit Action upon Evacuate
Allows you to define how an I/O module will perform when an evacuate is signaled. By default an I/O module will not
activate unless it has been assigned to an I/O Group than has been activated.
An evacuate is not considered as an automatically detected fire event.
5-6 Override I/O Unit Delay
Allows a specific I/O module to be set, so that it activates immediately even if the rest of the I/O is set to be activated
after a delay.
5-7 I/O Delay Set-up
Allows the I/O (output) delay to be set. This delay applies to all I/O module outputs.
The maximum delay that is allowed is 10 minutes.
NODE+ / Installation & Commission Manual / © GFE 220331