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Why am I having trouble upgrading firmware?
Please ensure you have downloaded the latest version of the Beam Management System software
from our support website for your specific product.
Extreme DOCK = Eagle
PotsDOCK / IntelliDOCK= PDMS
IsatDOCK / Oceana & Terra = Falcon
RST100 = BMS
In addition please try the following process:
- Restart the PC
- Removing the USB cable from the device to the PC
- Power cycle the device
- Reconnect the USB cable from the device to the PC
- Retry upgrading firmware
Can I use the Falcon tool with Windows 8?
There is a way to get the Falcon tool working on Windows 8:
The steps to install an unsigned driver on windows 8 is as follows.
1. From windows 8 control panel choose General –> Under “Advanced Startup” –>
Restart now.
Once the system has restarted it may take a few minutes for the boot menu to
Once displayed the boot menu should provide you with the following options:
1. Continue
2. Troubleshoot
3. Turn off
Choose (2) Troubleshoot
Then the following menu appears.
* Refresh your PC
* Reset your PC
* Advanced Options
Choose "Advanced Options"
Then the following menu appears
* System Restore
* System Image Recovery
* Automatic Repair
* Command Prompt
* Windows Startup settings
Choose Windows Startup Settings, then click "Restart" or choose select.
Now the computer will restart and the boot menu appears.