Display organization
When the 4 leads ECG patient cable is disconnected, the display will show only one ECG trace
(II) input from the defibrillation pads.
Connecting the 4 leads ECG patient cable the display will show 3+3 ECG traces: I,II,III or
aVR, aVL, aVF based on the user selection (see menu functions).
Please make sure to connect all ECG patient cable terminals to the patient limbs before
proceeding with the defibrillation.
Using the SpO2 sensor option, the display will show only 2 ECG traces (patient cable
connected) and the SpO2 wave. The So2 and the heart rate will be displayed on the bottom
left side of the display. The heart rate on the top of the screen is related only to the ECG
The display also indicates the selected energy level, the filters status, the gain and velocity of
the ECG wave as well as the battery status and the clock (date and time).