5 - prE-rInSIng
some liquids (e.g. protein-containing solutions and
organic solvents) can leave a film of liquid on the
inside the wall of the tip; pre-rinse the tip to minimize
any errors that may be related to this phenomenon.
Pre-rinsing consists of aspirating the first volume
of liquid and then dispensing it back into the same
vessel (or to waste). subsequent volumes that you
pipette will have levels of accuracy and precision
within specifications.
this pre-rinsing operation should be repeated when
a new tip is used.
6 - pIpEtman dIamond
PiPetman diamOnd tips are made to the highest
specifications, strict quality control is maintained
throughout the manufacturing process. these tips
are used to calibrate PiPetman Fixed, therefore
for optimum performance we recommend using
PiPetman diamOnd tips with your PiPetman Fixed.
PiPetman diamOnd tips have the Gilson logo
engraved on their collar, ensuring that you have a
genuine Gilson product. to ensure accuracy and
precision, Gilson's Quality assurance system focuses
on the following critical parameters.
diamOnd tips are made from pure
polypropylene (virgin, metal-free, to avoid the
possibility of contamination). they are available
sterilized and with filters.
• Optimized shape (revised collar for optimum
sealing, thin walls, and fine point), making them
easier to mount, more flexible, with no vortexing,
and improved precision.
diamOnd tips are free from even
microscopic defects, especially at the orifice. all
surfaces are smooth and hydrophobic, thereby
avoiding the excessive retention of liquids that
causes poor accuracy and a lack of precision.