pag. 44
Release 00 - 02/2008
Engine WBE 0701-WBE 0704
Service manual
14. ENGINE BLOCK - Overhauling internal parts
14.2. Carter opening
1 - Position the engine on a stable support and
remove the sparkplug.
2 - Turn the engine up-side-down and position it so
that the shaft projects upwards.
3 - Open the crankcase sump by unscrewing the
seven screws (6).
5 - verify the phasing between:
- the engine shaft and the camshaft;
If necessary, re-set the phasing, referring to the
indications provided.
6 - On assembly, follow the steps described in re-
verse and:
- always replace the gasket (7) between cover
and sump;
- ensure that the two centring pins (8) are correctly
- always replace the compression ring from the
sump side
- ensure that the governor lever (9) is facing upwar-
- close the screws (6) intersection lock bowl to the
indicated couple;
7 - After installing the engine on the machine:
- refill the sump and make sure that the filler plug
is tight.
- check the adjustment of the throttle cable
and the brake cable
8 - Following reassembly it is advisable to check the
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