Signet 2580 FlowtraMag Meter
Possible Cause
No LED Lights
Unit is not powered, or the power wiring
is reversed.
Check power wiring, voltage should be
12 to 32 VDC at 24W.
Solid Blue
There is no fl ow. If user expects to see
fl ow, the Low Flow Cutoff value may be
set too high.
Change the Low Flow Cutoff value in user menu
using GF Confi guration Bluetooth
Tool or
0252 Confi guration Tool.
Solid Purple
Partially fi lled pipe. Flow rate is zero.
User should be aware that the pipe could be fi lled
> 50% and water in the pipe is stagnant, or the water is
below 50% and water could be stagnant or moving.
Blinking Red
Flow measurement is out of range.
If error persists, the LED will become
solid RED after one minute.
The spiking of the fl ow outside the normal range could
be caused by excessive EMI, or water splattering
through a partially fi lled pipe and creating fl ow spikes.
The spiking will end once the disturbance is not
present anymore.
output does not
1. Bluetooth selection is S
2. Improper wiring.
1. Select frequency from GF Confi g Tool or
0252 Confi guration Tool.
2. Check wiring. Use the wiring diagram picture in
the manual.
Digital or
Current Output
is Erratic
1. Electrical Noise interference with the
fl ow measurement.
2. Possible air pockets traveling
through the piping system.
3. Pipe is not full and water
fl ow creates splashing of
the electrodes.
4. Excess turbulence in fl uid
fl ow profi le.
1. Verify the grounding of the FlowtraMag and of
the nearby VFDs and Pumps. If possible, use
grounding rings or connect metal portions of the
piping to closest ground.
2. Check the piping and use vents if possible,
otherwise wait for the air pockets to be eliminated
through the system.
3. Try to keep the pipe full, by installing vertical.
4. Follow product manual recommended xD
installation distances.
Output is not
Zero when fl ow
is stopped
1. Low Flow Cutoff fl ow value is lower
than the zero fl ow noise level.
2. Electrical noise is interfering with
the measurement.
3. Defective FlowtraMag.
1. Adjust the Low Flow Cutoff value to be above
the noise level.
2. Verify/Modify Grounding.
3. Contact Technical Support.
Forgotten/lost password
Connect blue wire to white wire while unit is powered
(for 2 to 5 seconds.) Password will reset to factory
original (last 6 digits of serial number.)