Entering comments
You can add comments to steam traps that for
some reason cannot be tested.
Note that if you select a comment it may not be
possible to test that steam trap any more. Please
refer to the following table to find out if the trap can
be tested even if you selected a comment.
Select a steam trap as test object as described
on page 19.
The display of the data collector shows a pick list
with possible comments. The following comments
are possible
Steam trap not O.K.
The steam trap has failed open and is blowing off too much
The equipment can be tested.
Steam trap lagged
The insulation lagging of the steam trap makes the test point
inaccessible. Remove the lagging at the test point.
Steam trap O.K.
The steam trap is in good working condition and not leaking
steam. The trap is not waterlogged, i. e. no banking-up of
The equipment can be tested.
Steam trap cold
The temperature of the fluid inside the steam trap is below
40 °C or no fluid is flowing. Check the parameters of the plant
and the settings of the steam trap.
The steam trap has been removed from the plant.
Out of operation
The steam trap is not operating.
Name incorrect
The steam trap and its name in the test job do not match.
Change the test job and the operating data.
Seal defective
A sealing gasket in the trap body is defective. Replace the
gasket with a new one. Nevertheless, you may perform a test.
Installed incorrectly
The steam trap has been mounted incorrectly. Install the steam
trap in its correct mounting position.
Not accessible
The steam trap is not accessible for testing because of its
placement. Change the installation position of the steam trap.
Wrong type
The steam trap to be tested is of a different type than specified
in the data base. Change the specification in the data base. You
can also change the trap type before starting the test. After that
you can perform the test.
Shut-off valve faulty
The shut-off valve for the steam trap is defective. Replace the
shut-off valve with a new one.
Shut-off valve closed
The shut-off valve for the steam trap is closed. Open the shut-
off valve.
To select a comment tap button "Page up" or
"Page down" until the desired comment is
To enter a comment tap on the respective item.
To test a steam trap with a faulty seal tap button
To test a steam trap of the wrong type select
the respective trap type stated in the list.
Then tap button "Yes".
To test a steam trap for which you have
selected any other comment touch the button