remains activated even if the distance between the
Com Box and the data collector is too large and,
consequently, the connection interrupted.
The blue LED is flashing during data transfer.
The display of the data collector shows the
following additional information:
The connection icon lights up briefly.
The state of charge of the Com Box is indicated
by an additional bar indicator.
The serial number of the Com Box is indicated
above the state of charge indicator in the menu
If a connection cannot be established, the link icon
on the display of the data collector is crossed
through. The state of charge indicator for the Com
Box indicates "empty". The specifications of the
Com Box are in red.
In this case proceed as follows:
Reduce the distance between the data collector
and the Com Box.
Establish a Bluetooth connection between the
data collector and Com Box as described on
page 15.
Contact the manufacturer if your efforts have
Selecting test object on data collector
With the aid of the menu item "Test" you can check
steam traps for loss of live steam. For this purpose
first you have to create test jobs on your computer
and download them to the data collector.
The data collector must have a Bluetooth
connection to the respective Com box.
You can also perform ad hoc tests without
having to create test jobs beforehand. For
this purpose open the menu item "Test
Measurement". For more information see
page 26.
During the test procedure the surface temperature
of the tested steam trap is also measured, which
makes it possible to detect steam traps that cause
banking-up of condensate. In order to do so you
have to enter the design service pressure of the test
object on the upstream side. The boiling point
associated with this service pressure is then
compared with the temperature reading. If the
measured temperature is 40 % below the set point,
the steam trap is waterlogged and banking up
Select the PC software program on the data
Select the function "Test".
A list of all specified test jobs appears. For each
test job the serial number, the name of the plant
and the name of the plant section are indicated.
To select a test job tap the respective test job.
The following information on the selected test job
will be shown:
Job number of the test job
Name of the plant
Name of the plant section
Number of steam traps per test job
For each steam trap in a test job the following
additional information is given:
Place of installation
Type designation
The steam traps of a test job that have already been
tested are ticked off with a green check mark.
These steam traps cannot be tested again within
this test job. For these steam traps only the test
results are shown. The buttons for other functions
are deactivated.
Once the test job is completed, the job
number will be highlighted in green.
To select a steam trap, tap on the item of the
desired steam trap.
If a steam trap has been tested the test results will
be shown.
If a steam trap has not yet been tested the
submenu "Test" opens. You can either start a test
or enter a comment.
To quit viewing the test results tap on button
To select a comment for the selected steam trap
tap on button "Comment".