7.3 Operator
When you ha�e asse��le� the rear �ittin� to the sli�in� �ui�e
an� �inishe� installin� the sli�in� �ui�e� you �an install the
�) While keepin� the operator in�line� at ���/�0° (Fi�� �0)� insert
the �ear�otor sha�t in the �ouplin� on the rear �ittin� o� the
sli�in� �ui�e an� �ake the �ins (Fi�� �9 re��
near to the
seats at the �otto� o� the operator �ase (Fi�� �9 re��
�) Turn the operator in the �ire�tion o� Fi�� �0 until you rea�h
position o� Fi�� ��� an� �it the pin in the hole o� the rear �ittin�
(Fi���� re��
Fig. 19
Fig. 20
Fig. 24
Fig. 23
Fig. 22
Fig. 21
7.4 Releasing the automated system
�) De�ine the hei�ht o� the release kno�� takin� into a��ount
that it �ust not �e o�er �80 �� o�� the �roun�� an� �ut o��
the e��ess se�tion o� rope�
�) Make a knot at the en� o� the rope an� asse��le the release
han�le (Fi�� ��)�
��) Pull the release han�le �own an� �he�k i� the �oor �an �e
�o�e� �anually (Fi�� ��)�
�) Pull the release han�le horizontally in the �ire�tion o� the
�oor (Fi�� ���)� Che�k i�� when the han�le is release�� the
LOCK win�ow un�er the �arria�e is re�� Mo�e the �oor
�anually until you �in� the �arria�e’s hook�on point�
Attention: make sure that there are no persons, animals
or ob�ects in the door movement area during the release
7.5 External release
I� the auto�ate� syste� has an e�ternal release� �inish
installin� (see par� 6���):
�) Cut the �a�le sheath to size (Fi�� �� re�� A)�
�) Fit the �a�le insi�e the sheath an� route it throu�h the eyelet
o� the �oor �ittin� (Fi�� �� re�� B)�
��) Cut the �a�le to size an� asse��le it to�ether to the internal
le�er o� the release han�le (Fi�� �� re�� C)�