Generalmusic Promega 2 Page 16
Graphic EQ.
The Promega offers a simple but powerful graphic EQ. section which uses a series of led
bars to represent the individual bands of the Equalizer. This system offers two powerful
advantages over a conventional Graphic EQ. that uses hardware sliders:
When a PERFORMANCE MEMORY is recalled
whose stored EQ. pattern differs from that
currently displayed, the Graphic EQ. section
will be immediately updated to display the
correct pattern.
The Promega2 offers a 4-band EQ.
The Graphic EQ. section features an ON/OFF button so that the section can be defeated when
not required.
Each band is equipped with a continuous knob which can be used to raise or lower the level of
attenuation for that specific band. This change is indicated by the led bar directly above each knob.
At the center of each led bar is a green led. This is equivalent to the zero or reset
position for that band. When a band is in this zero position, no raise or reduction is being
applied to that band. The band is said to be flat.
A useful starting point for any EQ. operation is to have every band in this flat condition.
Using the Graphic EQ. with the Performance Memories
Every time you save a sound combination into one of the PERFORMANCE MEMORIES, the
current EQ. settings are memorized. Try recalling a few of the PRESET memories and you
should see the EQ. displays changing accordingly.
In this way, you can use the GraphicEQ. as a powerful way to modify the tone of each sound
you create on the Promega, (much like a band-pass filter on a synthesizer); giving you that
extra edge needed for a specific sound.
Using the Graphic EQ. as a master
Graphic EQ.s are often used in professional sound systems to compensate for unwanted
losses, (or surpluses), of particular frequencies in different types of performing environments.
For example, a high-ceilinged theater with brick walls would require much less attenuation
of the higher frequencies than a small carpeted lounge. In this situation, the sound engineer
would use a Graphic Equalizer to set up a Master EQ. curve so that whatever sound went
through the sound system was always processed in the same way. This Master EQ. setting
would remain the same throughout the entire performance.
If you want to use the Graphic EQ. on the Promega as a Master EQ., you need to ensure that
its values will not change every time you select one of the PERFORMANCE MEMORIES. This
can be achieved by pressing the LOCK button.
When the LOCK button is lit, the EQ. settings can be manually changed in the normal way
but they will not be affected by the selection of PERFORMANCE MEMORIES. In this way the
section can be used as a Master EQ.