Generalmusic Promega 2 Page 14
You should now hear the piano/string combination that we saved earlier.
Now well save once more sound into a USER location. Turn back to Example
2 and Example 3. Follow all the steps in both examples so that you end up
with a split keyboard; bass on the left and piano/strings on the right.
Were going to store this sound into USER A2.
Press the STORE button
Press the 2 button
Did you notice that there was one less step this time? Before we pressed
STORE, the currently selected performance was A1. Since we were storing
our new performance into the same bank that was already selected, it
was not necessary to press the A button again.
Now you have enough understanding of the basic functions of your Promega
to get started making your own sounds. As you read through the rest of
this manual you will find many more powerful functions which will help
you to unlock the full capability of this magnificent instrument.