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Owner's Manual
Edit Sequencer
This function allows you to move all the events within a specified range of bars of a track
to another position within the same track:
specifies the Song in which you wish to move events.
determines which track to work on.
selects a range of data by specifying the bars within which the
data lies. You can also specify a single event.
Start Bar
selects the destination bar which will receive the moved data.
Press ENT to confirm the operation. “Are you sure?” appears, asking you to confirm the
operation definitely:
Press Esc if you want to abort the operation.
Use UNDO to restore the original status if you make a mistake.
If the recorded song does not contain a sufficient number or bars to accept the move, the
display will shows the following:
In such a case, use INSERT BARS to extend the number of bars and repeat the operation.
MOVE can be effective when you use it to compensate for sounds that have a slow attack.
For example, Strings often play with a slower attack rate than other sounds, such as
Piano, and will appear to be lagging behind even if the note on messages are simultane-
ous. In such a case, use Move to “shift” the Strings Song pointer a little earlier in time
so that the Strings sound begins to play slightly before other sounds, giving the
impression of perfect timing. This application requires that you select your range of
events and anticipate their entry with the Start Bar.