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Owner's Manual
Edit Sequencer
For Songs and Song Styles:
specifies any bar of the current song to act as the effective
song end. The song will stop at the end of the specified bar.
You can use this function to stop a recording at a precise point without “dirtying”
the following bar.
When it is “on”, the Song in will play back repeatedly.
The currently selected song will play through to the end, loop back to the starting
point and repeat. The song will continue repeating until the Stop button is pressed.
Looped songs do not interfere with sustained notes; if sustained notes are present
when the song goes into loop, these notes continue decaying without being
Scroll through all the events recorded with the Up/Down cursor arrows.
Select each part of the recorded events with the Left/Right cursor arrows.
Use the Dial to change the value of a selected parameter or to move a selected Song
Pointer to any other location.
If you press the Toggle at the Song Pointer position, you will activate a small
window where you can specify a required Song position.
Press ENT to go directly to the position required.
Master Track Event Edit
Master Track Event Edit allows you to modify, insert or delete individual events from
the data in the Master Track.
The operation is available for Songs and Song Styles which show a second Master Track
page where the events common to all tracks are recorded.
A typical example of a recorded Master Track is shown below:
This function finds its
use in Song with a
repetitive Chord cycle.
You can record a
sequence of Chords for
the first cycle then, with
the song in playback
and Song Loop set to
ON, play other tracks in
real time while the
playback repeats
does NOT record note