Op era tion
Fault Codes & Their Reme dies
con tin ued
= Low sup ply volt age
This fault oc curs if the sup ply volt age drops
be low +17VDC ap proxi mately.
Make sure that the sup ply volt age is at least
+20VDC at the Model S214.
With long sup ply leads, a con sid er -
able volt age drop may oc cur due to the
elec tri cal re sis tance of the leads.
The maxi mum ca ble re sis tance which the
Model S214 can tol er ate is 10 ohms per con -
duc tor (20 ohms loop) at +24 VDC mini mum.
= EE PROM veri fi ca tion fail ure
This fault oc curs dur ing cali bra tion when an
at tempt to ver ify the cali bra tion pa rame ter just
writ ten to the non- volatile mem ory fails. The
usual cause of this is elec tri cal in ter fer ence
cor rupt ing the data (al though on rare oc ca -
sions it may in di cate a prob lem within the
elec tron ics mod ule).
Place the mag net over the GMI Logo and ini -
ti ate an other cali bra tion.
= Cali bra tion check pe ri od ex ceeded
If the Model S214 is left in the Test Gas Mode
for more than twelve min utes with out a test
gas be ing ap plied, this fault will oc cur.
Place the mag net over the GMI Logo to re turn
the unit to nor mal op era tion.
Any time a sen sor is re placed, the unit
should be dis con nected from all al larms, as
the unit may go up scale upon power- up.
Model S214