Op era tion
Digi tal Dis play Codes
The fol low ing codes will ap pear on the dis -
play when the unit is in a mode other than the
nor mal op er at ing mode.
SU Start-up
- - (
) Magnetic switch activated
- - (
) Test gas mode
AC Automatic calibration mode
CP Calibration in progress
CC Calibration is complete
or Over range
F1 High response to calibration gas
F2 Failed to complete the
F3 Low response to calibration gas
F4 Sensor heater is open circuited
F5 Sensor heater is short circuited
F6 Low Supply Voltage
F7 EEPROM verification failure
F9 Calibration check period
This is dis played at start- up and af ter a Fault
con di tion has been cor rected.
- -
Ap pears on the dis play when the mag net has
been prop erly po si tioned over the GMI Logo
and when the the Test Gas Mode can be
(steady) or has been (flash ing) en tered.
These codes ap pear on the dis play dur ing the
cali bra tion pro cess. For more in for ma tion
about these codes, ref er to sec tion 4.1 Cali bra -
F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F9
These codes will ap pear on the dis play if a
Fault con di tion oc curs. For more in for ma tion
about these codes, ref er to sec tion 4.5 Fault
Codes & Their Reme dies.
(flash ing)
This in di cates that the con cen tra tion of hy dro -
gen sul fide gas ex ceeds the scale range of the
dis play (over range).
When the unit is in the nor mal op er at ing
mode, the dis play will in di cate the pres ence of
hy dro gen sul fide gas in parts per mil lion
(ppm). The ranges of de tec tion are from 0 to
99ppm, 0 to 50ppm or 0 to 20ppm.
Fault Codes & Their Reme -
The Model S214 has self- diagnostics in cor po -
rated into the mi cro proc es sor’s pro gram. If a
fault is de tected, the out put sig nal will drop to
0mA and a Fault code will be dis played. The
out put sig nal will in form a re mote dis play
mod ule that the Model S214 is in Fault Mode.
The Model S214 will dis play an “F” code in
the dis play win dow at the sen sor site.
There are eight Fault con di tions that are moni -
tored by the mi cro proc es sor. When a cali bra -
tion fault (F1, F2, F3) has oc curred and has
been cor rected, the unit will auto mati cally re -
vert to the cali bra tion se quence and the unit
must be re- calibrated. If a fault other than a
cali bra tion fault oc curs (F4, F5, F6, F7, F9),
and is cor rected the unit will re turn to nor mal
op era tion.
Model S214