In stal la tion
Ap ply ing Power
Before applying power to the system for the
first time, all wiring connections should be
checked for correctness and the housing cover
replaced. Upon first power-up the sensor may
take up to fifteen seconds to stabilize.
At the initial application of power, or after a
fault condition has been corrected, the unit
will indicate “
” (Start-Up) before entering
the normal mode of operation.
General Monitors recommends that the Model
S214 be calibrated within the first hour of
operation after the initial application of power
and that a second calibration be performed 24
hours after this initial calibration. These two
calibration sequences should be performed
with new units and units that have been off of
power for more than a week. See Calibration,
section 4.1 for more details.
Main tain ing the X/P In teg rity
The Model S214 is rated explosion proof for
Class I, Division 1, Group B, C & D
hazardous locations. The acceptable limits
for explosion proof housings being used in
Class I hazardous locations are defined in
CSA Standard C22.2 No.30-M1986.
Anytime the cover of the smart sensor
housing is removed or the cover bolts are
loosened, the flame path between the lid and
the housing is effected. If power is left on
when removing or loosening the cover bolts
on the Model S214 it will be necessary to
de-classify the area. When replacing the
cover, the gap between the lid and the
housing should be less than .0015 inch
This can be verified by tightening the cover
bolts to a torque setting of 50 inch-pounds or
by using a feeler gauge to ensure the gap
between the cover and the housing is less than
.0015 inch (.038mm).
There are four entry holes, one on each side
of the Model S214 housing. These holes are
dedicated to the sensor and conduit. Each
hole is tapped for 3/4 NPT threads. If a
particular entry hole is not used it must be
plugged during operation in the field. The
factory installs plugs in the unused entry
holes, except one. A plastic cap plug is
placed into this hole and must be removed
before conduit can be attached to the housing.
Each Model S214 will have the following
items placed in the remaining three entry
A sensor, if present (if not, a plastic plug)
Two aluminum housing plugs
The sensor and aluminum housing plugs have
seven threads. Each of these components is
screwed into the housing using five to seven
turns. If it becomes necessary to replace one
of these components, the user must use five to
seven turns to ensure that the explosion proof
integrity of the housing is maintained.
Model S214