Checkweigher user’s manual
STX: Start byte, 02H
State 1: 20H
State 2: 20H
State 3: 20H
Mark: 1 byte
When a new value sampled, this byte adds 1, this byte cycles from 31H to 39H.
It is assistant for sampling values.
Limit : 1 byte.
This byte is “H” (48H) if checking result is judged as OVER, “G”(47H) if OK,
and “L”(4CH) if UNDER.
Sampling Result: 7 bytes.
Includes decimal point (2EH), the high-order byte is “ ” (20H) if no decimal
point , and the high-order byte is 2DH if sampling result is negative .
For instance, if result is 3.75, these 7 bytes are:
20H 20H 20H 33H 2EH 37H 35H
If result is -37.5, then these 7 bytes are:
2DH 20H 20H 33H 37H 2EH 35H
Unit: 2 bytes.
These 2 bytes are 74H 20H if unit is “t”, 6BH 67H if “kg”, and 67H20H if “g”.
CRC: 2 bytes. Check sum.
Count the sum of all the left bytes and convert the sum to be decimal date, and
then convert the 2 low-order digits of the decimal date to ASCII code.
For example, when the controller sends out a data sequence (in hex),
02 20 20 20 30 4C 20 20 20 20 35 33 36 6B 67 35 37 0D 0A
It indicates that the present weight is 536Kg.
“Print” The device can connect with printer to support print function.
When the sp function is set print and conprint is set open, every check result can
print in form of check time plus check result.
Baud rate
Communication speed, with the unit of bits/s.
Data bits
You can choose 8 or 7.
You can choose none, even or odd.
Data order
You can choose H-L or L-H.
Besides these parameter, the stop bits is 1 and unchangeable.
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