Checkweigher user’s manual
Basic statistical information of check result
“Over” Number of products checked as over.
“Pass” Number of products checked as pass.
“Under” Number of products checked as under.
Basic information of current product
These information include
“PD ID” Product identity.
“PD Name” Name of current product.
“Nominal weight” Nominal weight of the product.
“Upper deviation” Allowed value of actual weight over nominal weight.
“Lower deviation” Allowed value of actual weight under nominal weight.
“Throughput” Throughput of product.
“Checked” Numbers of product checked.
Entrance of product management and
system maintenance.
Set current weight to zero.
Start the weight checking process.
Stop the weight checking process.
Link to change current user.
Link to weighing information.
Link to select product to be checked.
Used to clear alarm.
All alarms related information is list in
Table 9-1.