Checkweigher user’s manual
want to save these parameters as the default parameter for the checkweigher, you can
use the <
> key. So in this situation, if there are something wrong and not
easy to make sure whether there are incorrect parameter, press the <
> key, the
parameter will come back to the value you save last time. Another application is for
the PD parameter, there are 50 product identities, when you want to change some
product parameters for all the 50 product identities, you can change the parameter in
current product identity and press <
> and <
> sequentially, the
parameter will change in all the 50 product identities.
IO define
Press <
IO define
> in advanced maintenance interface.
Enter IO define interface, as Fig 6-25.
Fig 6-25 Input define interface
Press on the field
Input definition window pop up at the top left corner
as Fig 6-25.
Choose the function of this input port.
Fig 6-26 Output definition
Press on the field
Output definition window pop up at the top left corner, as Fig 6-26.
Choose the function of this output port.