Evolution Data Only or Evolution Data Optimized (EV-DO) is a 3G wireless technology with average user
download speeds ranging from 400 to 700 Kbps with peak rates up to 2.0 Mbps. When you spend a lot of time away
from your desk, the faster speeds from EV-DO can lead to greater productivity. It's more than just fast email
retrieval. Get fast and secure access to your information and applications with EV-DO.
1XRTT - Single Carrier (1x) Radio Transmission Technology
1xRTT is a pre-3G wireless technology based on the CDMA platform. It has the capability to provide ISDN like
speeds of up to 144 Kbps with typical speeds in the 50-70 Kbps. 1xRTT is also referred to as CDMA2000.
About UMTS/GPRS/GSM Network
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), also referred to as wideband code division multiple access
(W–CDMA), is one of the most significant advances in the evolution of telecommunications into 3G networks.
UMTS is a worldwide standard for wide-area wireless data communication based on Global Systems for Mobile
communications (GSM™). UMTS provides broadband mobile access to business systems and applications that can
help improve mobile users' productivity.
UMTS provides broadband speeds with average data speeds of 220-320 Kbps and bursts up to 384 Kbps on some
networks. Its theoretical limit is 2 Mbps. It delivers four-to-six times the speed of dial-up Internet access and eight
times the speed of GPRS wireless data service. UMTS allows mobile users to respond to urgent emails and access
the Internet.
High-Speed Downlink Packet Access or High-Speed Downlink Protocol Access is a 3G GSM Mobile protocol in
the HSPA family, which provides a roadmap for UMTS-based networks to increase their data transfer speeds and
capacity. Current HSDPA deployments/cards/modules now support 1.8 Mbit/s, 3.6 Mbit/s, 7.2 Mbit/s and 14.4
Mbit/s in downlink.
EVDO Revision A (1x Evolution-Data Optimized) is a wireless radio broadband data standard that offers data rates
up to 2.4 mbps, Revision A integrates most of the faster data technology from 1xEV-DV Revision D, and improves
latency. These enhancements allow features such a VoIP and video calling.
GPS (option)
About GPS
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a worldwide radio-navigation system formed from a constellation of 24
satellites and their ground stations. GPS uses these satellites as reference points to calculate positions accurate
within one meter.
Bluetooth (option)
About Bluetooth
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