1080 North Crooks Road, Clawson, MI 48017 • Phone: 248-435-0700
Active Stroke Area
The area designated by the operator on the rod on which the magnet assembly moves.
Burst Input
An input signal to the probe will cause a burst of data, representing the absolute position to
be fed to the controller. NOTE: This only applies to the quadrature LDT.
Bipolar Power Supply
A power supply that provides both +15 and -15 VDC.
A connector which can be quickly connected or disconnected from the LDT’s terminals by
turning the connector 1/4 of a turn and then pulling.
Dead Band
An area usually 2.5” from the end of the rod where sensing of the magnet is not possible.
External Device
A device wired to the LDT which generates external interrogations.
External Interrogations
Pulses sent by an external device to the LDT, usually to initiate a pulse sequence.
Head Assembly
An enclosure used to house the LDT’s electronic components.
A relative position feedback device whose signal is always referenced to the zero position.
The LDT produces a digital, square wave pulse train that is fed into an up/down counter chip
or clock to derive position.
Input Type
Used on 952 QD to determine input type for Burst and Zero modes. ie; sinking, sourcing or
Internal Interrogations
Pulses generated by the LDT usually to initiate a pulse sequence.
Jam Nut
A nut which screws onto the threads protruding from the hex mounting base. This nut is
used to secure the head of the LDT to the user’s mounting fixture.
Linear Displacement Transducer
Magnet Assembly
A non-ferrous ring that moves across the LDT’s rod end.
Mounting Hex Base
A non-ferromagnetic base of the mounting hex. This point is where the mounting hex
threads begin to protrude from the mounting hex. This hex can be used when tightening the
LDT into a bracket.
Position is held in memory and will not be lost on power down.
Null Zone
An area usually covering 2.0” on the rod beginning at the threads protruding from the hex
mounting base; the area on the rod end which follows the standard null going toward the tip
of the rod end is the active stroke area.
Output Resolution
Used in 952 QD to determine amount of pulses per inch.
Potted Cable Assembly
An interface cable that is permanently installed on the LDT at the factory.
Two output channels out of phase by 90 electrical degrees.
Quadrature Cycle
Output Frequency
The frequency at which the pulse rate is transmitted out of a quadrature probe.