1080 North Crooks Road, Clawson, MI 48017 • Phone: 248-435-0700
4.3: Quadrature Output
Resolution and Speed
The internal resolution of the 952 GEMCO Linear
Transducer is 0.001”. This would be represented
to the encoder input device by specifying an
output resolution of 1,000 cycles per inch for
the transducer. Although the typical resolution is
1,000 cycles per inch (CPI), the transducer can be
ordered with virtually any CPI setting.
For a typical rotary type shaft encoder with
incremental quadrature output, the output frequency
of the pulses is governed by the resolution of
the encoder (pulses per turn) and the rotational
speed (RPM) of the encoder. The output pulse rate
from the LDT transducer is fixed and is controlled
internally and can be specified by the customer. The
output frequency must be specified so that it does
not exceed the maximum pulse rate of the encoder
input card the sensor is connected to. The output
pulse frequency range can be ordered from 10KHz
to 1MHz.
4.4: 952 QD Wiring Connections
Once the LDT has been installed, wiring
connections can be made. There are two groups
of connections you will need to make. They are as
• Power Supply Connections
(including grounding and shielding)
• LDT Input/Output Connections
Power Supply/Ground Connections
The BlueOx standard cable is Alpha XTRA-GUARD
2 25110 SUPRASHIELD™, a multi-conductor cable
with a specially formulated polyurethane jacketing,
10 conductors of 22 ga, with an aluminum/
polyester/aluminum foil with drain wire plus an
overall braid of tinned copper shield. Cable O.D.
is .30. To reduce electrical noise the shield must
Single ended
power supply
+11 to +28 VDC
Pin C (red) Pin B (black)
Figure 4-1: Power Supply Wiring
WARNING: Do not route the BlueOx cable
near high voltage sources.
The 952QD is only available in a
unipolar Supply.
be properly used. Connect the cable’s shield to
the controller system GND. The cable shield is
not connected at the transducer end. Always
observe proper grounding techniques such as
single point grounding and isolating high voltage
(i.e. 120/240 VAC) from low voltage (11-28 VDC
cables). Whenever possible, this cable should
be run in conduit by itself.
In order for the 952QD to operate properly, the
LDT's external power supply must provide a
voltage b11 to +28 VDC. The power
supply must be rated at 250mA minimum. The
power supply should provide less than 1% rippel
and 10% regulations. (The power supply should
be dedicated to the LDT to prevent noise from
external loads from affecting the BlueOx).