1080 North Crooks Road, Clawson, MI 48017 • Phone: 248-435-0700
Chapter 1: Overview .................................................................2
1.1 Dimension Drawing for all 952 LDTs ..................................3
Chapter 2: Installing the LDT ....................................................4
2.1 Installing the LDT to a Mounting Bracket ............................4
2.2 Installing the LDT in a Hydraulic Cylinder ...........................5
Chapter 3: 952 Wiring (A, CP, RS, VP, VPI) .............................8
3.1 952 Analog - V0, V1, V4 or V5 (Voltage) ............................9
3.2 952 Analog - C4 or C2 (Current)........... .................. ...........9
3.3 952 Analog - D0 or D1 (Differential Analog Output) ............9
3.4 952 Analog Wiring ............................................................10
3.5 952A (Analog) ..................................................................11
3.6 952 CP (Control Pulse) .....................................................11
3.7 952 VP (Variable Pulse) ...................................................12
3.8 952 RS (Start/Stop) ..........................................................13
3.9 952 CP, RS, VP Wiring .....................................................14
3.10 Setting Zero & Span Position (Analog Only) ..................15
3.11 Differential Analog Output (Options D0, D1, or D2) ........15
Chapter 4: 952 QD Overview .................................................16
4.1 Quadrature Output............................................................16
4.2 Signal Connection Application Note .................................16
4.3 Quadrature Output Resolution and Speed .......................18
4.4 952 QD Wiring Connection ...............................................18
4.5 Features ...........................................................................19
4.6 952 QD Wiring Diagram ...................................................20
4.7 952 QD Frequency ...........................................................23
Appendix A: Troubleshooting ..................................................24
A.1 Troubleshooting for 952 Analog LDTs ..............................24
A.2 Troubleshooting for 952 Analog LDTs ..............................26
A.3 Troubleshooting for 952 CP, RS, or VP LDTs ..................27
Appendix B: Ordering Information ..........................................29
B.1 Analog Part Numbering ....................................................29
B.2 Digital Part Numbering .....................................................30
B.3 Quadrature Part Numbering .............................................31
Appendix C: Specifications .....................................................32
Glossary .................................................................................34
AMETEK has checked the accuracy of this manual at
the time it was approved for printing. However, this manual may
not provide all possible ways of installing and maintaining the
LDT. Any errors found in this manual or additional possibilities
to the installation and maintenance of the LDT will be added
in subsequent editions. Any comments you may have for the
improvement of this manual are welcomed.
AMETEK reserves the right to revise and redistribute the entire
contents or selected pages of this manual. All rights to the
contents of this manual are reserved by AMETEK. BlueOx is a
registered trademark of GEMCO.
The GEMCO Model 952 BlueOx is a
Magnetostrictive Linear Displacement Transducer
(LDT). Each LDT offers highly accurate position
sensing. The BlueOx LDT is built to withstand the
most severe environmental conditions. The 952
digital and analog LDTs are completely absolute.
Power loss will not cause the unit to lose position
information or require re-zeroing. Also, the non-
contact design allows this device to be used in
highly repetitive applications without mechanical
The series number on the LDT is a record of
all the specific characteristics that make up the unit.
This includes what interface type it is; its wire speed
(for digital LDTs); its output signal and range; the
type of connector the unit uses; and stroke, null and
dead band lengths. For a translation of the model
number, see Appendix B: Ordering Information.
The GEMCO 952 QD BlueOx is a magnetostrictive
Linear Displacement Transducer (LDT) for
continuous machine positioning in a variety of
industrial applications. The quadrature output
makes it possible to have a direct interface to
virtually any incremental encoder input or counter
card, eliminating costly absolute encoder converters
and special PLC interface modules.
The 952 QD BlueOx quadrature LDT can be
ordered with 1 to 9999 cycles per inch of output
resolution. The transducer features an input to re-
zero the probe on the fly. Another unique feature is
the Burst mode; an input on the transducer triggers
a data transfer of all the incremental position data
relative to the transducer’s absolute zero position.
This is how incremental can provide absolute
functionality. The Burst input can be used to achieve
absolute position updates when power is restored
to the system or anytime an update is needed to re-
zero or home the machine.
Chapter 1: Overview